1.)Favorite Role: Hmm... well being in Othello was fun... mainly because of Neil's lack of literacy.. also the zombie killer role, that was enjoyable...but the vampire one still reigns supreme.. 'cause I got to bite Jordan ^_^
2.) Favorite movie we did: even though it's not a movie... yet... I really liked all the filming when we were up camping with the sobe bottles! That was one interactive bon fire!
3.) Favorite AP memory: The trips to Red Wing, the camping and the goofing off
4.) Favorite condiment: ice cream... yeah ice cream ^_~
5.)Favorite song right now: I was just introduced the Rainer Maria and I'm liking them a whole lot right now
6.) Favorite band right now: N/A ehh I'm just sampling music at the moment
7.) Astrological sign:Pieces
8.) Elemental type: ice
9.) Favorite DDR song: Butterfly!!!
10.) Favorite store: Half Price Books... it's a cool place
11.) Favorite 8-bit game: Super Mario Bros 2 and I like Final Fantasy (when I have the time)
12.) Favorite video game: there are a few I want to play but no real favorites...unless you count WORMS!!!
13.) Favorite kind of weapon: I like my stave.. and cross bows are yummy..
14.) How many AP camping trips have you been on: 2 this summer
15.)What is AP to you?: *dances in a chicken suit* <-------the happy dance=AP
16)Favorite professional actor: still Mr.Depp
17)Favorite Book: anything by Francesca Lia Block
18)Favorite quote: me_"that's no place for a fish." my sister_"the police department?"
19)Favorite game character: just about any badass chick with wings!!!!!
20)Favorite badass outfit: hell I could look badass in my pajamas... wait a second... I dunno... just so long as it's fun I don't really care
21) AP Movie suggestions: umm...*blank stare* I'll get back to you
22)Hobbies beside AP: anything art... random adventures are my speciality... and hanging out with really cool people
23) IF you could play the role of one star in a movie, who'd it be and what movie? this is a though one but if I had to I think I'd take Drew Barrymoore's role in EverAfter... but they would have to change the guy who played the prince 'cause he wasn't the nicest looking
email her if you really want to