January 13th, 2005Jordan
Holy crap... an update? It's been over a year and a half... I'm updating this site mostly because I felt like making more merit badges. Write any suggestions on our board, www.groups.yahoo.com/group/amaturepride or email me at naturalplastics@yahoo.com . I will also upload some of the AP new year's photo scavenger hunt winners. Also, some of the picture links broke... I'm going to look into fixing that... Our new badges are "german", "UND", "scavenger", and "Fuze"... and HOLY CRAP!!! New "CAST" BUTTONS TOO!!!
May 31stJordan
If ya don't know, we gotta start filming soon. Also, airsoft's been going pretty awesome lately. Our fundraiser videography wedding is next week - June 7th. We need to be there by 12:30, and it'll go until whenever. So, the next thing is to determine what we're going to do with AP money. Comment on webboard. Oh, and congrats to the survivors, Jordan, Ducky, and Lyssa.
April 30thJordan
Pollwizard was on the fritz. It's working now - so the poll is being counted.
April 27thJordan
New poll up. Survivalist
April 25th Steffen
Okay, all the pages have been re-edited, if there are any missing files, I'll find them in the next few days.

Also, I am officially giving myself the title of the AP Code Monkey
April 20th Steffen
Allright, I think I have everything up on the corradiation.net server, I renamed all the files, so they have lowercase file extensions. (no more .JPG filenames) The only problem is that I need to sift through all the pages to adjust the image links accordingly. While I'm doing this I think I'll get the image alt's as well. But that'll be for this evening, after I'm done doing everything else I have to do.
April 20th Steffen
Well, first off you need the login name and password that Chia gave me.
April 13th Jordan
Steff - tell me how to update the new one :)
April 1st Steffen
We have a new, ad free server! Many, many thanks to my friend Chia, who's letting us use a subdomain of his server for our site. We have 500 Mb to play with! I'll have to go over the other specs, like monthly transfer and such later, and I'm gonna talk to him about what we should pay for "rent". This is so cool!

The new URL for Amature Pride is: apfilms.corradiation.net
I'm in the process of moving all the 533 files over there, I have the index up so far.
March 31st Jordan
Well... way to one up me steffen. It's like el dia de update here :) I linked all the badges of all full on members to the badge glossary. yay!
March 31st Steffen
Due to the severe lack of updates in the past month, I'm not going to delete the old ones just yet. Granted now that I think about it, I could have been a smart archiver and saved them to another page, but no. I think most of the important stuff has made its way over to the links section.
March 31st Jordan
AP goals for the 2003 summer/fall. I have endowed myself in goal setting, which probably shouldn't be done by me, and feel free to smack me for it. I have set 7 goals, they're reasonable, and i hope we can make them work.

1.) Website domain: Apfilms.org
2.) Produce 3 serious movies, good enough to sell
3.) Improve campsite
4.) Sell at least 15 videos and turn a profit
5.) Throw film festival and turn a profit (MAYBE)
6.) Get our name out, videograph at least one event for money
7.) Create $200 in funding from out movies and work for AP.
March 21st Steffen
bleh.... this week has been murder
Oh, and I have jobby now. I won't make it up to UND.
March 12th Jordan
since we're playing magic again, 5 star easter break?

March 3rd Jordan
Deathmatch over - Reese champion" headlines read. Must... make... it through... WEEK...

February 26th Steffen
dang... writing a script is harder than i thought

February 25th Jordan
Deathmatch finals up. Got any new poll ideas? I return after broken internet for TOO LONG

February 17th Steffen
Yep, so I'm now in charge of writing the script/story for AP presents Final Fantasy: the Crystal Saga. I spent most of tonight talking with Jordan about some ideas for the story. I've got a preliminary draft for the introduction, which will be the prologue in the movie. I'm going to work off of the old outline Jordan sent me almost a year ago for the rest of the story. Casting will be pretty much the same as it was last time, but we added 4 new characters, and renamed most everyone because both of us forgot where we saved the old names list. If anyone wants to see the introduction, email me at my hotmail account

February 17th Jordan
Round 1 of the deathmatch is down tonight, and the stories will begun to be written. Later we'll probably film them. Round 2 is up, and in the voting booth - the final 3 will proceed to the finals. In other news, Justin's survey's up. I'm hoping to do a lot of filming this summer, including the movies currently on the burner. My project: mega man, Scott's project: Uber Soldiat, and Steffen is taking over Final Fantasy. If all goes well, we can film all of these this summer and have 3 quality movies. Did i miss any? Anyways, Starting ASAP in the summer let's try to make at least a little progress once a week (at least).
The Links
-Recent updates etc.
-Video information and reviews
-frag count
-Badge glossary
-current badge voting booth
-Random pictures of stuff
-pics of some places we've filmed

Amature goodies
Amature pride buddy icon ***

AP links to other quality pages
8-bit movie downloads
8-bit theater screen shots

Questions? Comments? Complaints? Write to:
"people who care"
(aka Jordan and Steffen)
Link to us with this image, and this address.


And, just 'cause they're cool AP sprites

All material on this site © 1999-2003 Amature Pride.
Other credit is given where credit is due.
Anything else, we claim under the Fair Use Rule of the United States Copyright Act of 1976.