1.)Favorite Role: chic in Cousin Uhhh v.2.0
2.) Favorite movie we did: Camping Trailer
3.) Favorite AP memory: Dan as a koala
4.) Favorite condiment: BBQ sauce or sweet and sour sauce
5.)Favorite song right now: I don't really have one right now
6.) Favorite band right now: Rob Zombie
7.) Astrological sign: Aries (WE RULE!!!)
8.) Elemental type: Fire
9.) Favorite DDR song: Boom Boom Dollar
10.) Favorite store: Contempo or Target >
11.) Favorite 8-bit game: Super Mario Bros. 2
12.) Favorite video game: FF10, FF7, and any Resident Evil games
13.) Favorite kind of weapon: "a dull spoon"
14.) How many AP camping trips have you been on: one
15.)What is AP to you?: A bunch of friends getting together to have a good time
16)Favorite professional actor: BRUCE WILLIS ^_^
17)Favorite Book: The Left Behind series
18)Favorite quote: There are three types of people in this world, people who can count, and people who can't
19)Favorite game character: Aaron in FF10
20)Favorite badass outfit: something pink! (pink can be badass, right?)
21) AP Movie suggestions: Remake of "A Vampiress in Paris" (Just Kidding)
22)Hobbies beside AP: school, movies, Matt
23) IF you could play the role of one star in a movie, who'd it be and what movie? Milla Jovovich's role as LeeLou in "The Fifth Element".