Justin is the monkey of AP. He was lead actor in "Bananas" He still hasn't come camping, but will this summer.. he better.. He's got the second place record for damaging vehicles, and works at blockbuster.

Justin is the premier fighting actor in AP. He's an expert at scripting and fighting. He's played numerous leader roles, such as T leader, CT leader, gladiator leader, etc. He also played Poe in "the raven." His claim to fame is unknown at this time.

1.)Favorite Role: I loves pizza rolls. I loves em good.
2.) Favorite movie we did: um.. I don't know. I don't have one.
3.) Favorite AP memory: Shooting hicks with airsoft guns in the middle of nowhere
4.) Favorite condiment: Hot sauce... It goes on everything
5.)Favorite song right now: "Snowblind" by System of a Down
6.) Favorite band right now: Tool
7.) Astrological sign: I have a NO REFUNDS sign in my room over my bed... that should explain enough.
8.) Elemental type: Thunder (i can charge batteries!)
9.) Favorite DDR song: ugh... i'm sick of that game for now.
10.) Favorite store: 7-11... it never closes! Slurpees feed my brain.
11.) Favorite 8-bit game: Duck Hunt
12.) Favorite video game: GTA: Vice City (vandilism and violence, with none of the pesky legal reprecussions)
13.) Favorite kind of weapon: A switchblade... with a spork instead of a knife. But since I don't have one of those, I have to result to insults.
14.) How many AP camping trips have you been on: 1 with the group, countless with others.
15.) What is AP to you: AP is a group of crazy friends who love to have fun and act crazy,but only catch about half of it on tape
20)Favorite badass outfit: black pants, white shirt, straight jacket undone & sleeves rolled up, gauntlet-bracelet, and the ring.
21) AP Movie suggestions: "when rednecks attack"
22)Hobbies beside AP: guitar, cartoonin, mini golfin, and pullin all-nighters
23) IF you could play the role of one star in a movie, who'd it be and what movie? I'd be the voice of a cartoon character... probably stitch.