Monica's claim to fame is...uhhh... i'm the only person that smiles when trying to look like a badass.

1.)Favorite Role: Um the only one i have had, well i was a Zomie once
2.) Favorite movie we did: I dont know...I like that know...I dont have a Favorite
3.) Favorite AP memory: The last Night Justin was here, he tickled me so much my sides bruised
4.) Favorite condiment: Honey Mustard
5.)Favorite song right now: hhhmmmm, it is called Angry Jeff by is a fun fun song
66.) Favorite band right now: I would have to say....i dont know
7.) Astrological sign: scorpio
8.) Elemental type: I am a switerland of Elemental types..SO I am ACAINA, SO I am told
9.) Favorite DDR song: Butterfly
10.) Favorite store: AE American Eagle
11.) Favorite 8-bit game: What?
12.) Favorite video game: Test Drive 6
13.) Favorite kind of weapon: I like the AR-15 but since I cant have one I do like swords
14.) How many AP camping trips have you been on: BIG 0
15.)What is AP to you?: A bunch of great friends....some i consider Family
16)Favorite professional actor: HEATH LEDGER *he is dreamy*
17)Favorite Book: Dont have one..I read mystery novels
22)Hobbies beside AP: I odnt have hobbies, I need ot get some. Have any Ideas?
23) IF you could play the role of one star in a movie, who'd it be >and what movie? I would be thee girl in Knight's Tale, Cuz she gets to kiss Heath Ledger
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