Neil moved far away. He's still cool though. He's like 15 miles away and he can still film some. He's our freelance assassin kind of person. He works at mcd's, He likes anime lots.

Neil is good at fighting and being an assassin/spy person. He's also just a good overall actor. As in... Cousin "ugghh". His current major role is the water guardian in the Final Fantasy movie.

1.)Favorite Role: Unnamed Zombie Hunter in the Zombie series
2.) Favorite movie we did: Final Fantasy: Crystal Guardian Saga
3.) Favorite AP memory: Stabbing Reif in the side (that's revenge from my nuts! ...well, actually it's because Becki and Monica pushed me, but whatever...) and missing the tree with my flying kick OF DOOM!! then sledding later that night with almost no snow (i never made it down the hill that night...)
4.) Favorite condiment: Mustard
5.)Favorite song right now: Cuban Pete from The Mask Soundtrack or Back to Mad by Texas Faggot (weird psychadellic techno)
6.) Favorite band right now: Ministry of Sound
7.) Astrological sign: Capricorn
8.) Elemental type: Water/Ice
9.) Favorite DDR song: Paranoia 180 and 190 (can't beat 2mb... yet...)
10.) Favorite store: Suncoast Video (Anime Central!)
11.) Favorite 8-bit game: Either Megaman 4 or Final Fantasy 2
12.) Favorite video game: Several; FF6, FF7, FF10 FFTactics, MMX5, MMX6, Xenogears and GTA Vice City
13.) Favorite kind of weapon: Katana, tactical nuke, and dual rubber chickens
14.) How many AP camping trips have you been on: 4
15.)What is AP to you?: Despite the frequent pain factor? It's my way of expressing my creativity, of venting anger by sword fighting, and an excuse to get really hot half naked girls on camera (especially when they make out on video).... you 2 sexy ladies know who you are! ^_~ It's also my closest group of friends, each of which I would take a bullet for.... if you aren't a part of AP.... you just don't make the first cut on my list of priorities!
16)Favorite professional actor: Jackie Chan... he does all his own stunts!
17)Favorite Book: The Art of War.... j/k, that book is HUGE! Seriously, my favorite book of all time is WHere the Wild Things Are
18)Favorite quote: Dekar_"True Warriors need women?! My love is my sword!" Guy_"I'd stay away from thoughts like that if I were you..." Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals
19)Favorite game character: Zero from the Mega Man X Series
20)Favorite badass outfit: Sephiroth: FF7 or Alucard: Castlevania Symphony of the Night and Hellsing
21) AP Movie suggestions: Trigun parody (lol), a Vampire movie that DOESN'T involve me being bitten 3 times (just ask Reid or myself, we talk about vampire stuff all the time), Scott's Vampire movie (if he finishes it) AP Mega Man, AP Final Fantasy
22)Hobbies beside AP: Video games, script writting, anime.... lots of anime....
23) IF you could play the role of one star in a movie, who'd it be and what movie?: Legolas in any of the Lord of the Rings movies (people tell me i look like him.... do i? i don't really see it, but Patricia said i did, as well as a few others whos names escape me at the moment... some girls from lakeville i think...)

send him a line, he'd love it