Scott is an artist type person. He draws a lot. He also knows everything about dinosaurs you ever thought possible. He was made fameous by being a dancing alien to "hooked on a feeling." He also likes to be thrown around.

Scott has been a variety of roles over the years... from glorified extra to camera man. He is quite good at waving his arms like a monkey, and we use him to get at his supply of guns which are fake, and his bomb shelter-like basement that is always full of food and pop for the taking. Heh heh heh.

1)Favorite role: So far I dont have one, but the FF film we are making might change that - (scott... you know it's the dancing alien)
2)Favorite movie we did: So far it's the Counter strike movie "Terror take 2" and the "hooked on a feelin" music video, but again it might change when we finish the FF film
3)Favorite AP memory: Meeting Monica through the group
4)Favorite condiment: I love all...but I love spicy stuff!
5)Favorite song right now: It's between "My Sacrifice" by Creed or "Hooked on a feeling"
6)Favorite Band right now: LINKIN PARK..."LONG LIVE THE SOLDIERS"
7)Astrological sign: Aquarius
8)Elemental type: UH uh? or wind!
8.5)Nicknames: Baine, Spike, Scoot
9)Favorite DDR song: "Dream a Dream" the pirate techno song...ARHHH, YO HO HO!
10)Favorite Store: Shinders or Best Buy
11)Favorite 8-bit game: Legend of Zelda, a noble knight saving the princess from the evil guy and death..."I LOVE IT!"
12)Favorite Video Game: AAAAAH, such a list...Xenogears, Legend of Zelda(series), FF8, FF7 and Dino Crisis 2
13)Favorite kind of weapon: Uh I have 4: Katana, Knife, Revolver, and a metal whip (Like Bart fatima has in Xenogears..."ARRR, gotta love that Pirate Prince!") I like bows too.
14)How many AP camping trips have you been on: 3
15)What is AP to you: Its like an extended family to me, and the coolest people I know...and I would sacrifice myself for Monica and anybody else in our group to keep them safe!

Email him, may he plunder your booty.