Shannon's our second to newest recruit! and still hasn't filmed with us....

1)Favorite role: I've played a lot of blonde ditzs...can you say type-cast? lol...but, I haven't had a role in an AP film...yet:o)
2)Favorite movie we did: Huh...shame to say it, but I haven't even seen one...
3)Favorite AP memory: Umm...yeah...
4)Favorite condiment: Oh!! This is easy! Easy Cheese!! On Three Musketeers....yumm...
5)Favorite song right now:Hmm...tough..."Until" by Sting is a new fav...but definently not the only one...
6)Favorite Band right now: I like Creed a lot...and Stain'd is good too...Blue Shift...Cake...
7)Astrological sign:Taurus! A big stubborn bull, baby! Yeah!
8)Elemental type:hmm...I believe I was a mix of air and water if I remember correctly...but fire is pretty entertaining...
8.5)Nicknames:Hey you
9)Favorite DDR song:Umm...yeah....
10)Favorite Store:oh! umm...Target Boutique! You can get everything there!
11)Favorite 8-bit game:I'm deprived...
12)Favorite Video Game:Make that very deprived...
13)Favorite kind of weapon: Hmm...I love rapiers because it's almost like an art form and I can actually pick it up(I'm a weenie...) and staves are good too...easy to use...hard...ouch...duct tape is good too....
14)How many AP camping trips have you been on:never been camping...period.
15)What is AP to you:You guys are freaks....I should fit in pretty well:o)
16)Favorite professional actor:Hmm...Kenneth Branagh, Antony Hopkins, Brad Pitt(Can you say "yummy"?)
17)Favorite Book:Oh so many...I love the classics: 3 Musketeers, Hunchback of Notre Dame, anything written by Shakespeare(Much Ado About Nothing in particular...) anything by Hemmingway...oh, and you can't forget the Farside Galleries:o)
18)Favorite quote:hmmm...well, the one I put in the year book was: "Mirror, Mirror, on the wall...who's the fairest of them all? again!" But, I also really like 2 others: "Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt Truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."(From Hamlet) and: "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return" (From Moulin Rouge):o)
19)Favorite game game? well...don't get to play video games much...I really like being the Top Hat in monopoly though:o)
20)Favorite badass outfit:gotta be my old jeans with the rip in the knee, little white shirt and topped off with my orange bandana with the sparklies
21) AP Movie suggestions:Hmm...I've got plenty of scripts, but they're all sad ones...hmm...Deej and I are working on a script called Knights of Verdonia...could be pretty kewl if we can pull it off...
22)Hobbies beside AP:I'm all over the theatre, baby...I've been a ballerina for 15 years(just quit recently...), I'm an okay artist...I like to write a lot too...take singing a bit of costuming and make-up artistry...
23) IF you could play the role of one star in a movie, who'd it be and what movie? My first choice: Satine(Nicole Kidman) in Moulin Rouge...what a fantastic chick flick! It has everything! Singing! Dancing! Comedy! Romance! A tragic love story! How wonderful! or: Juliet(Claire Danes) in Romeo and Juilet. Juilet is my all time dream role!