Travis has a big truck. he goes camping a lot. He has some pet salamanders we found while camping. They were in the fire pit. He likes really sweet kool aid and dislikes carbonated beveridges. He makes pressurized air cannons in his spare time that are capable of launching potatoes into lower orbit

Travis doesn't like to be in front of the camera a whole lot. He's good at acting to a degree of doing what he's told well. He looks like a hippy. He has long hair. Me and him are engineering masterminds.

1.)Favorite Role: Bomb Expert in terror take 3 (I think that's the official name for it anyways)
2.) Favorite movie we did: Between Cousin Uhhh, and the 8-bit series
3.) Favorite AP memory: The largest camping trip with everyone there (well almost everyone)
4.) Favorite condiment: Either salt, or frosting (vanilla preferably)
5.)Favorite song right now: Don't play favorites (in other words, I can't think of one)
6.) Favorite band right now: See above...
7.) Astrological sign: The fish
8.) Elemental type: Fire! Fire ! FIRE!!!!
9.) Favorite DDR song: AfroNova
10.) Favorite store: Does Mall of America count?
11.) Favorite 8-bit game: BattleToads
12.) Favorite video game: Well, I'm on Neverwinter Nights right now...that's as close as I get to a favorite.
13.) Favorite kind of weapon: Staff, or ranged weapons (And Sniper Rifles)
14.) How many AP camping trips have you been on: All of them, Oh yeah!
15.)What is AP to you?: A group of friends who like to mess around
16)Favorite professional actor: Keanu Reeves, Jacki Chan, and oh so many more.
17)Favorite Book: More like a series...The avatar's in the DND series.
18)Favorite quote: "Don't MAKE me get my flying monkeys"
19)Favorite game character: I...don't...know
20)Favorite badass outfit: Black trenchcoat...too bad I don't have one.
21) AP Movie suggestions: I say we do more of the 8-bit or FF movie once summer rolls around.
22)Hobbies beside AP: Video games, mostly
23) IF you could play the role of one star in a movie, who'd it be and what movie? I don't really know...I'd probably love playing the guy in James Bond who shows him all the gadgets (because I'd get to make, and play with them too).

Send him some hairy emails, I hear he guarentees a good time